Details of speakers and guides

Click on the name of a speaker or guide below to find out their contact details and what talks and/or guided walks they give. Please note that inclusion in this list does not signify OLHA’s recommendation.

* An asterisk after a name indicates that the speaker is prepared to do talks via zoom (or similar on-line platform)

Alastair Lack *

Allan Ledger

Amy Moore *

Andrew Hamilton *

Andrew Long

Bill King *

Carol Anderson *

Ciaran Walsh *

Clare Sargent *

Deborah Hayter *

Dick Richards *

Emily Greig

Gareth Winrow *

Gillian Cane *

George Townsend *

Ian Wheeler *

Ivan Cadge *

Janice Kinory *

John Leighfield *

John Lowe

Julie Ann Godson

Karen & Bret Wiles *

Katherine Bradley

Kevin Heritage

Kim Davies *

Liz Woolley *

Lizzy Rowe *

Marie-Louise Kerr *

Mark Davies *

Martin Buckland *

Maurice East

Melanie King *

Mike Heaney *

Mike Hurst

Paul Barnett *

Paul Gaskell *

Richard Dudding *

Richard O Smith *

Sarah Somerville *

Sean Callery *

Shaun Todd

Simon Wenham *

Stephen Barker *

Stephen Dawson *

Stephen Goss *

Stephen Wass *

Tim Healey *

Timothy Walker *

Tom Crook

Trevor Jackson  *

Valerie Alasia

Victoria Bentata *