Small grants

OLHA has some money available with which to fund or part-fund local history projects in Oxfordshire.

Further details are here.

Applications must be made on the OLHA application form, a copy of which can be obtained by e-mailing


Projects which OLHA has supported include:

Hayfield Road, Then and Now (Catherine Robinson, Frog Lane Press), June 2023

Olive Gibbs: A Remarkable Woman (Helen Sheppard and Christopher Baines, film makers), October 2022

Aston, Cote, Shifford and Chimney – A Parish History (Aston History Group), June 2019

Didcot to Oxford Great Western Railway 175th Anniversary Celebrations (, June 2019

RAF Watchfield Memorial (Shrivenham Heritage Society), March 2019

Exploring Abingdon’s Past – 50th anniversary exhibition (Abingdon Area Archaeological and Historical Society), June 2018

Purchase of the 1846-1853 letterbook of Samuel Trash, Secretary to the Governors of the Radcliffe Infirmary (Oxfordshire Health Archives (OHA) , June 2018

Windrush Generation, Next Generation (African Caribbean Kultural Heritage Initiative), April 2018

Oxford, the War and the World, 1914-19 (Globalising and Localising the Great War Programme), March 2018

The First Century of Fabianism in Oxford, 1895-1995 (Oxford Fabian Society), March 2018. Listen to Rosemary Preston of the Oxford Fabian Society discussing the project with OLHA Chairman Tony Hadland here [recording courtesy of the Lilley Mitchell Show, BBC Radio Oxford, 13 August 2018]

British Historic Towns Atlas, Vol VII, Oxford (Historic Towns Trust), March 2018

New exhibition space in Tackley parish church (Tackley Local History Group), November 2017

Over Norton Fountain Memorial Restoration (Over Norton Fountain Project Action Group), October 2017

Memorial to airmen killed on Port Meadow during WWI  (Wolvercote WW1 Aerodrome Memorial Project), September 2017. Click here for a short video of the unveiling of the memorial in May 2018, taken by OLHA chairman Tony Hadland.