
The Oxfordshire Local History Association (OLHA) is for everyone interested in the history of our county.  We foster and promote the study and publication of local history and act as an umbrella organisation for local history groups, of which there are more than 80 in Oxfordshire. We also campaign to preserve and improve services for Oxfordshire local historians.

Research queries: if you have a research question, please contact the Oxfordshire History Centre or the relevant Oxfordshire local history group.

Members of OLHA :

  • receive our e-bulletin every month, full of up-to-date information on what’s happening in local history across Oxfordshire, plus a diary of  talks and meetings;
  • receive our journal once a year, containing articles by Oxfordshire local historians on a wide range of topics;
  • have the opportunity to publish research in that journal;
  • can attend two OLHA study days a year, each on a specific topic and with several speakers and a guided tour; and
  • are kept in touch with other Oxfordshire local historians.
  • And society members can advertise their programmes of talks and other events on this website and in OLHA’s  monthly e-bulletin.

Click here to join OLHA.

Click here to read OLHA’s constitution.

Click here to see our most recent accounts.

Click here to read the minutes of our most recent AGM.

Click here to read OLHA’s data privacy (GDPR) notice.

Find us on the Charity Commission’s website.

For information on joining OLHA, click here.